

星期一, 12月 29, 2008


它. 可以名貴至是一條鑽石項鍊, 可以是一棟位於淺水灣向海的複式單位, 可以是很普通的一本相片本子, 可以是一張VCD, 更可以只不過是一本書, 一副棋.
它記載了情侶們之間的經歷, 歡笑, 悲憤. 它能勾起戀人們的思念, 記憶.

以前聽過一個故事. 一位丈夫於太太離世後, 都不許任何人碰他太太的衣物. 因那些都只屬他倆的.
讀中學時已開始玩/ 留意LOMO相機. 那時, 有一個朋友擁有LC-A , 她說是男友送的生日禮物. 我只很隨意地說(也不是真的要借她的相機) " 改天借相機一用" . 她立時變臉, 比包公的臉還黑. 當時, 我還未懂男女情愛之事. 現在我明白了! 因那是屬於他倆的.
當一男一女由戀人發展至同居或夫婦關係時, 女的總會很雀躍於添置屋內佈置擺設, 廚具斗室用品. 並不因女性是天生購物狂. 而因為他倆能共同建立屬於他倆的.

世上總是有些事/物只能屬於戀人之間的. 外人碰不得(不一定是第三者)(小孩子除外), 一旦碰了, 戀人們的回憶就像被劃了一刀一樣. 不再浪漫. 不再只載著他們的過去, 還載著別人的. 不再是---它.

回憶就像被強姦了. 不再甜蜜.

星期四, 12月 18, 2008

reform or not

Tho I'm Chinese, I never claim myself a Chinese while meeting with foreign friend. I m very insist that I'm from HK.
Never feel pround of being Chinese, but feel pround that I know Chinese.
I never think China can be a REAL powerful NATION unless democracy is adopted, comprehensive political reform is implemented and no censorship.
Not feeling surprised about the melamine milk powder.
Not feeling excited about hosting Olympic at Beijing. (I even against it)
I was very shocked while reading the BBC News that the President said the success of the last 30 years showed there was no need to change the way China's 1.3bn people are governed.
"[The] path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, led by the party, its policies and its theories, is correct,"

O, Jesus!!!

(currently reading "I dont wanna be Chinese again" by Joe Chung)