

星期日, 4月 02, 2006

tight schedule

Please don’t complain on me that I refused ur date
Here’s my TIGHT schedule:
(No one force to me to do so, but I’ve to reserve at least 2~3days every week for parents, even though we have nothing to talk with. This is my principle.)

1 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: part time job

2 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: part time job

3 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: part time job

4 March
With Family

5 March
Home (rest)

6 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: with BIS, CC to buy gift for EUH

7 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: home (rest)

8 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: dinner w/ KC and KH

9 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: dinner with EUH, AML, BIS, CC

10 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: home(rest)

11 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: with family

12 March
Daytime: Home
Nighttime: dinner with B

13 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: with family

14 March
Daytime: Labour dept.
Nighttime: with family

15 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: dinner with Canada trainee and s

16 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: dinner with uncle who I lost his contact for 10 years

17 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: home (rest)

18 March
Daytime: with Canada trainee and s
Nighttime: with 11 trainee from different countries

19 March
Daytime: war game
Nighttime: with family

20 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: with family

21 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: with family

22 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: movie with BIS and CC

23 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: transition meeting with proposed PDO

24 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: dinner with ex-flatmates

25 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: dinner with aunt

26 March
Daytime: haircut and with F
Nighttime: dinner with F

27 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: dinner with KC and M

28 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: dinner with F

29 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: with family

30 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: dinner with past colleagues

31 March
Daytime: full time job
Nighttime: dinner with current colleagues

1 April
Daytime: Ching Ming
Nighttime: back to Lingnan to present for Mock EGM till 4:30am, 2 april

2 April
back home at 3pm

3 April
Daytime: full time job/ preparation
Nighttime: dinner with MF and PC(CC)

4 April
Daytime: Preparation
Nighttime: dinner with C / HKIFF

5 April
Daytime: Preparation/ HKIFF
Nighttime: dinner with P

6 April
Daytime and Nighttime: Preparation/ home

7 April
Daytime: Preparation/ HKIFF
Nighttime: Preparation/ home

8 April:
Daytime: preparation
Nighttime: Leave de FUCKING HELL… … (YOYOYO)



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